BOOSTER-Clear your body of Waste
Clear Your Body of Waste
There are various healing methods I have come to experience and are very efficient in boosting your immune system, by cleansing the digestive system and help eliminate waste matter from your body. It is a solution that is unique particularly for people suffering from High blood pressure, Diabetes, those who are prone to stroke and those having mild stroke. This same solution is efficient for solving and preventing prostrate enlargement and equally help men to be active, and increase sperm count.
First if you are interested in your health and wellness you must learn some aerobic practices or adopt some Yoga assanas. The human body is undergoing changes all the time and as you grow you must spend some time to stretch your muscles, these training builds a better muscles, arteries and veins, it also helps digestion and your body structure, that is the way you walk and work. Finally its prevent infections and destroy infections and keep your skin fine and smooth.
Clear your body of waste and toxins with a natural, effective approach. Build a more robust immune system that enhances your body’s ability to eliminate harmful waste products efficiently. Strengthen your overall health and vitality, promoting better energy, resilience, and balance. With a healthy immune system, you can maintain a cleaner, more energized body for optimal well-being.
1. You need 3 bulbs of red Onion
2. 3 bulbs of Garlic
3. A bottle of red wine of about 5 to 12 % alcohol
which is capable of dissolving into the garlic and onion
to gain its potency.
First you have to peel all the garlic and wash them, then you peel the onion and cut them into pieces wash them and put both the garlic and onion in a bottle with large opening and pour the wine into this bottle, close it and keep it in a cool and dark place for 7 days during which the alcoholic content will all dissolve it into a potent healing portion.
After the 7th day you are good to use it to cleanse your body system.
Take about 2 or 3 table spoonful every morning before breakfast. This portion also checks and reduce port-belly and make you a healthy person.